Restaurants in Cockle Bay Wharf
Choose a place for great food at one of 14 Cockle Bay Wharf restaurants. View a restaurant in Cockle Bay Wharf and nearby suburbs, by cuisine - select from the menu. Featured restaurants highlight some of the best Cockle Bay Wharf restaurants. Many offer home delivery.
Major Cockle Bay Wharf restaurant locations: 3 restaurants in Sussex Street, 1 restaurants in Wheat Road.
|  | Adria Rybar & Grill | | The Promenade, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9283 3393 Tags: Greek Italian |
|  | Baia San Marco Cafe | | Shop 114 Sussex St, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9283 3434 Tags: Italian Cafe |
|  | Blackbird Cafe | | Balcony level , Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9283 7385 Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe |
|  | Chinta Ria - Temple of Love | | Roof Terrace 201 Sussex St, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9264 3211 Tags: International Malaysian |
|  | Coast | | Roof Terrace, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9267 6700 Tags: Italian |
|  | Dockside | | Balcony level , Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9261 3777 Tags: Function-Venue |
|  | Home | | The Promenade Shop 101, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9266 0600 Tags: Bar Dance-Venue Nightclub |
|  | I'm Angus Steak House | | The Promenade, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9264 5822 Tags: Steak |
|  | L'Aqua | | The Roof Terrace, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 8267 0300 Tags: Function-Venue |
|  | Lindt Chocolat Cafe | | Shop 104 -105, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9267 8064 Tags: Cafe Chocolate |
|  | Nick's 103 | | The Promenade, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9267 4404 Tags: Cafe Seafood |
|  | Nick's Seafood Restaurant | | The Promenade, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9264 1212 Tags: Seafood |
|  | Pontoon Bar | | 201 Sussex St, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9267 7099 Tags: Mod-Oz Bar |
|  | Tokio Hotel | | 1 Wheat Road, Cockle Bay Wharf 02 9266 0600 Tags: Pub Bar Pizza |
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