Indian Restaurants near Launceston
Four Indian restaurants are shown near Launceston. Three Indian restaurants are located in Launceston and one other in a suburb close to Launceston. Indian restaurants in Launceston serve many traditional curry dishes and treats such as Naan bread.
|  | Indian Empire | | 64 George St, Launceston 03 6331 2500 Indian Restaurants Launceston; Tags: Indian |
|  | Pickled Evenings | | 135 George Street, Launceston 03 6331 0110 Indian Restaurant Launceston; Tags: Indian |
|  | Tandooribazaar | | 185 Wellington St, Launceston 03 6334 6955 Indian Restaurants Launceston; Tags: Indian |
|  | Aamarpali Indian Restaurant | | 122 Hobart Road, Kings Meadows. 4.3 km from Launceston 03 6343 6992 Indian Restaurant Launceston; Tags: Indian |
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