Indian Restaurants near Battery Point
Five Indian restaurants are shown near Battery Point. One Indian restaurant is located in Battery Point and four in suburbs close to Battery Point. Indian restaurants in Battery Point serve many traditional curry dishes and treats such as Naan bread.
|  | Magic Curries Indian Restaurant | | 41 Hampon Road, Battery Point 03 6223 4500 Indian Restaurants Battery-Point; Tags: Indian |
|  | Annapurna Indian Cuisine | | 305 Elizabeth St, Hobart. 2 km from Battery-Point 03 62369500 Indian Restaurant Battery-Point; Tags: Indian |
|  | Tandoor & Curry House | | 101 Harrington St, Hobart. 2 km from Battery-Point 03 62346905 Indian Restaurants Battery-Point; Tags: Indian |
|  | The Saffron | | 15 Hunter Street Sullivans Cove, Hobart. 2 km from Battery-Point 03 6231 4150 Indian Restaurant Battery-Point; Tags: Indian |
|  | Annapurna Indian Cuisine | | 305 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart. 2.7 km from Battery-Point 03 6236 9500 Indian Restaurants Battery-Point; Tags: Indian |
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