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Function Venues near La Perouse

Three Function venues are shown near La Perouse. One Function venue is located in La Perouse and two in suburbs close to La Perouse. Whether planning a family party, a corporate event, a wedding reception or any function you wish to celebrate in style

 Function Venues La-Perouse - Danny

Danny's Seafood Reataurant more...

1605 Anzac Pde, La Perouse 02 9311 4116
Function Venues La-Perouse; Tags: Seafood Functions Cafe Mod-Oz
 Function Venue La-Perouse - Pavilion Beachfront

Pavilion Beachfront more...

Maroubra Beach Promenade Marine Pde (Cnr Fitzgerald Av), Maroubra. 4.1 km from La-Perouse 02 8347 0055
Function Venue La-Perouse; Tags: Mod-Oz Functions Cafe

 Function Venues La-Perouse - Mandala Nepalese Restaurant

Mandala Nepalese Restaurant

Tasty Nepalese cuisine with a modern twist - a wonderful dining adventure
117 Avoca St, Randwick. 7.1 km from La-Perouse 02 9326 6887
Function Venues La-Perouse; Tags: Nepalese Function-Venue

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Pavilion Beachfront - Restaurant Maroubra Beach
Pavilion Beachfront
Maroubra Beach NSW