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Function Venues near Drummoyne

Seven Function venues are shown near Drummoyne. One Function venue is located in Drummoyne and six in suburbs close to Drummoyne. Whether planning a family party, a corporate event, a wedding reception or any function you wish to celebrate in style

 Function Venues Drummoyne - Tre Pesci

Tre Pesci

Enjoy the great food and excellent service
105 Victoria Road Cnr Church Street, Drummoyne 02 9719 2100
Function Venues Drummoyne; Tags: Italian Seafood Function-Venue
 Function Venue Drummoyne - Deckhouse


Clarke Rd Wollwich Dock, Woolwich. 2.1 km from Drummoyne 02 9817 4394
Function Venue Drummoyne; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe Function-Venue
 Function Venues Drummoyne - Efendy


79 Elliott St cnr Darling St, Balmain. 2.8 km from Drummoyne 02 9810 5466
Function Venues Drummoyne; Tags: Modern-Turkish Function-Venue
 Function Venue Drummoyne - Restaurant Monte

Restaurant Monte

Modern Australian cuisine in a stylish setting
256 Norton St, Leichhardt. 2.9 km from Drummoyne 02 9568 5377
Function Venue Drummoyne; Tags: Mod-Oz Cafe Function
 Function Venues Drummoyne - Castel D

Castel D'oro

120 Great North Road, Five Dock. 3 km from Drummoyne 02 9713 7520
Function Venues Drummoyne; Tags: Function-Venue
 Function Venue Drummoyne - Dedes


613 Great North Road Sydney Rowing Club, Abbotsford. 3.2 km from Drummoyne 02 9712 5503
Function Venue Drummoyne; Tags: Mod-Oz Function-Venue
 Function Venues Drummoyne - Mandalay Receptions

Mandalay Receptions

72 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove. 4 km from Drummoyne 02 9427 3696
Function Venues Drummoyne; Tags: Function-Venue

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